Lady Ashtearty~

Love cant be demand but to be cherish... But now, what I need is commitment to myself...

Sunday, March 24, 2013

1st car accident... a minor one...Thank God!!!

Bump into a motor with 2 passengers in a narrow cross full of illegal side parking off the main road...

Seems denying my responsibility of this accident...

Its truely my fault in this accident...

Should have notice the motor while SLOWLY drove out the side road...

Spend me total RM 650 to fix my old car and the NEW bike...

An expensive on the road lesson...

P/S: No one hurts badly, i mean bloody... Thank God they are both physically fine.

Just looking through my old posts....

Just looking through my old posts....
and feel sweet that my past life was not left blank~

This is how a diary works in life...
Bringing up memories either happy or sad or mad or crazy...
Just mine and only mine...


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Oh, my... got ruin by email & fb hacker....

Oh my Oh my Oh my.....This is not the first time I regret on mistrust a person....So so regret this is the reason causing all these problems....So wanna deactive my fb and start another again....But fb is linked me to everyone, everywhere, that it has become my everything....But now... that its been hacked by someone I mistrust... feels like he had taken my whole world... my friends, my family, & my live....Please... just I would beg you to return my fb as it is quite... I mean EXTREMELY important to me...Huh... things happen....and when it is happening on me....feels so helpless....Regret on my decision making which ruin my life...